Looking at the same view from a same window is not everybody’s cup of tea. Some people finds it extremely boring doing a regular 9 to 5 job. For those who want to travel frequently and earn money, there are some jobs that allow them to travel. Here is the list of 5 jobs that allow you to travel the world.
1. Be a freelancer-work for yourself.
Consider your skill set and look for your own gigs online or through jobs board websites like Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, social media or a virtual assistant, with enough time and persistence, you can make a decent living that likely provides the most flexibility working for yourself while travelling.
2. Become an English Teacher.
It just so happens that English-speakers hold one of the most sought after skill in the world:speaking English. It may seem simple, but its one of your best traits. Teaching English in a foreign country is just as rewarding for you as it is your students, and it will allow you to travel the world with ease. Jobs are in abundance, however you may require a certification- thankfully that can be attained with ease in around a month.
3. Photograph and Film Travel.
Another job that allow you to travel is photography and film making. If you are really talented in the creative department and want to stay on the road full time, a great idea is to pick up a camera, train yourself, perfect your craft, and sell your images or videos online. While it will require an initial small investment, the potential to make this to your full time career is for most too good an opportunity to pass up.
4. Be a flight attendant.
This is an obvious one for those who want to travel. It’s an excellent way to see the world and get paid to do it, but don’t be fool, for the most part you’ll be on a plane or prepping for it. Of course, you can stop over in some amazing locations and you’ll get a chance to explore new countries nad cities. You’ll also get the chance to network and meet some amazing people as a flight attendant. It’s not easy lifestyle, but the job does not require a hugely impressive CV, so don’t rule it out.
5. Consultant.
Companies hire consultants from a wide variety of fields to fix specific problems. Because their knowledge is so specialized, a consultant’s client base is often spread all over the country, or even around the world. Maintaining a positive relationship with clients requires regular on- site visits, making it a perfect job for people who love frequent travel.